Dim Automotive Headlights Must be Replaced to Boost Safety

August 20th, 2019 by

A headlight is a very important part of a vehicle that lights up the road. Its beams produce high-intensity light that can influence brake timing and the ability to escape obstacles quickly during split-second situations. All automotive manufacturers use different technologies to make headlights for automobiles in their product lines. Typically, the most commonly used headlight options are LED and halogen. These bulbs can lose their overall intensity over time. When this happens, you'll have to take proper steps to replace the bulb.

If you have a modern car with a dim light, the bumper may block access to the bulb. In order to replace the bulb in this situation, you'll need to remove your bumper using proper maintenance tools and techniques.

Depending on a car's design and layout, some headlight replacement jobs can be complicated. If you need help swapping out a defective or weak headlight, the team at Straub Honda can help.



Source: Straub Honda

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